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SARMENTYS approuved
Project approved

New project | SARMENTYS II

Published on 07/27/22

Origins of the SARMENTYS II project

France has 800,000 hectares of vineyards, the quantity of agricultural by-products generated by the activity of these farms is estimated at more than 1.6 million tons per year. Vine shoots represent 93% of this biomass and wine growers are responsible for their recovery or disposal. To date, there is no collection or treatment channel, the vine shoots are burned or crushed. However, none of these options are suitable, the first is prohibited because of its environmental impact and the second participates in the propagation of vine diseases. However, their cellulose and lignin content and their porosity ensure that the vine shoots have a mechanical and thermal resistance similar to that of chenevotte. Once crushed in the form of aggregates, vine shoots could be used in the composition of insulating construction materials, such as biosourced concrete.


SARMENTYS II aims to study this new way of using vine shoots by developing a low environmental impact biosourced insulation. The project responds to the new challenges currently facing the construction industry: to propose an eco-designed solution that meets the requirements of the 2020 Environmental Regulations. 

To learn more about the project, please visit the project page: "under construction".

Project partners

This project is led by the company NEVEU, supported by the partners BUILDERS Ecole d'ingénieurs and ENTPE.


Project funding

The project has a total budget of 626,870 euros, 80% of which (499,944 euros) is covered by ADEME.

bandeau financeurs SARMENTYS