ICCM2024 takes place in Toulouse from June 23 to 26
The aim of this international conference is to present the latest scientific and technical information available in the field of supplementary cementitious materials and new binders used in concrete. The aim of this edition is to highlight advances in the field of alternative and sustainable binders and supplementary cementitious materials, where research is becoming increasingly important. Original papers on all aspects of pozzolans, mineral admixtures, standard and alternative supplementary cementitious materials are invited to be presented at the conference and published in the proceedings.
On this occasion, our post-doc Bouha EL MOUSTAPHA will present his work on “Chloride diffusion in geopolymers containing phase change materials” in section 7A on alkali-activated materials.
Our PhD student Imane GHARBAGE will be presenting her work on “Effect of sorghum shives and wheat straw on the properties of compressed earth blocks” in section 7C on bio-based materials.
For the full program, see the link below.